As part of our collaboration with United Health Services Credit Union, LTA was selected to assist in preparing a space program and needs assessment. Through our thorough evaluation of the chosen site, we verified that it was in the appropriate location to serve the UHSCU members best. Our programming phase included a design charrette, where critical employees of UHSCU were able to provide input on the location of the building on the site, traffic flow, building orientation, and floor plan layout.
The 4,000 sf building was located on the site with a prominent orientation towards the busy intersection on Sprague Avenue. The drive-up lanes were strategically placed to provide easy entry and adequate stacking space for members. Member parking is located near the main entrance, ensuring easy access. Our design intent was to provide a more traditional, strong, and substantial presence for UHSCU, which we accomplished with a combination of masonry and brick. The tower element was incorporated to provide a prominent location for signage and to signify the main entrance to the credit union. The building is now occupied by Horizon Credit Union.