In 2016 the City of Coeur d’Alene approved the City Hall remodel project. By renovating the existing facility, constructed in 1978, the City could save millions of dollars as they could prolong the City Hall’s life without having to build a new city hall.
The main focus of the renovation was to enhance accessibility for those with disabilities, provide additional security, reorganize the interior to accommodate the need for more space, and improve energy efficiency and safety.
The City Hall now has a new main entrance with an ADA-compliant elevator, two single-user ADA restrooms (one on each floor), and remodeled and refreshed existing restrooms. The interior layout now accommodates the City’s departments and staff better. Additionally, the building has new windows, glass, exterior doors and frames, and new HVAC units, making it much more energy efficient. The upgrades also included new electrical service, a fire alarm, an access control and camera system, and IT wiring, making the building safer. The outside of the City Hall also received a fresh coat of paint.